The PDL Agrate Brianza presented Sunday, May 16, 2010 in Piazza Trivulzio Omate citizens of a questionnaire to investigate the disruption and problems of the village.
"Thanks to our members living at Omate we made - Rosario Mancino said the leader, in this square with the counselors and Castronovo Faggiano - a questionnaire with closed questions and a space for citizens 'suggestions for the focus' attention on the shortcomings of the municipal administration. Citizen Participation was high, now together with members of the PDL analyze the suggestions from citizens to bring nsotre instances and solutions in the municipal council. "
"Thanks to our members living at Omate we made - Rosario Mancino said the leader, in this square with the counselors and Castronovo Faggiano - a questionnaire with closed questions and a space for citizens 'suggestions for the focus' attention on the shortcomings of the municipal administration. Citizen Participation was high, now together with members of the PDL analyze the suggestions from citizens to bring nsotre instances and solutions in the municipal council. "