Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kolestone Hair Colors

sponsorship coaching

the much-hoped-for sponsorship has come: in February there will be the official announcement, in the meantime I Builder coaching so anyone interested contact me at ykin83gd @ or on facebbok ykin gd, in ten days I will start on the new room leaving the beloved and hated gd

Monday, January 25, 2010

Free Vedios Of Wife Breastfeeding Husband

Happiness is a journey not a destination. so it works like you do not need the money, love as if I had never felt pain, and live as if I had bisgno anyone (and I do not really need)
cited ykin83

Sunday, January 24, 2010

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shared the councilors of PDL adhering to the table for the extension of MM2

In November 2009 he was born, thanks to a series of meetings of directors of the common citizens of the Brianza east, the inter-table for the extension of MM2, which joined the SAN JOSE City Council, the League and PDL.

The table, which aims to coordinate the actions of supra-municipal bodies and to obtain an extension of MM2 in Vimercate, has produced an agenda that will be presented from 28 January in the city councils of Agrate , Brugherio, Carugate Concorezzo and representatives from Vimercate PDL and the League.




A shared agenda to further engage the communities of Agrate Brianza, Brugherio, Carugate Concorezzo Vimercate and the subway extension project from Cologno in Vimercate.

The document, which will be presented in the respective Councils in next sittings, is the result of a table INTERCOMUNALE promoted by groups of citizens of the Northern League and PDL and activities in recent months.

The aim is to involve municipalities, province, region and government in a synergistic effect, leading rapidly to implement the project, ensuring that attention is shifted to other fronts regional or provincial.

The proposed subway extension, at an early stage has already been approved by CIPE in December 2007, was sent to the Ministry for approval of objective law in February 2009.

Region gave a positive opinion of the DRG with 30 March 2009 and is in the ministerial inquiry the Commission's statutory 1042/69 and the subsequent approval of the CIPE.

The agenda emphasizes the importance of this fundamental and essential infrastructure and after the approval will be sent to the Government and all institutions involved.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

How To Make An Ugly Couch Look Good

phrase of the day in February there will be an important announcement ... It begins with the live coaching info

resume coaching from February to contact info as usual on or on fb ykin gd.Da February there will be a great opportunity for me, and start to play some live MTT, but above all is about to enter the cash game, and they will very seriously, I'm training a lot in this period live +. retard and I can say I feel much stronger than them to sit and go.

Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Brazilian Waxing Rash

ok you seriously

serious play is resumed the following day, Friday we leave for s.vincent to play a bit of cash 5-10, and I bought the car new A5 cabrio.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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at least one thing I decided to head elsewhere

least I decided that I will go to Brazil and not in jappone, buy a new car this week (should be a 118 cabrio or q5) because I want to give away the suv I have (too many memories), I should return to the days game, stopped by on a payment problems that can not be credited lol

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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"Italy will come out sooner and better the economic crisis. No one will be left behind. "

He promised Silvio Berlusconi in the most critical period of 2009, and this commitment has been maintained.

The year 2010 certainly opens with a critical situation on the employment front, but with infinitely better prospect for recovery, the future development (which is what most matters to us), finance public. And especially for social cohesion, a good that we put at the center of our thoughts.

not tell us. This is shown all major international and national bodies. According to the OECD Italy, in passing from the crisis, is ahead of Germany, the United States and the euro area. The OECD for Italy explicitly speaks of "expansion", much more than a recovery. Our index is above 105 percent - where 100 is flat economy - while the European average is less than 105. Germany stands at 103, and the United States under 100.

"The government has acted well and wisely," he acknowledged Mario Draghi, governor of Bank of Italy. "Now we must act on the front of the welfare and tax.

What exactly are the two reforms made on site by Maurizio Sacconi and Giulio Tremonti. "We will hand the whole system of social safety nets," said Welfare Minister. As the head of economics, set out the foundations of future tax reform: "It priviligeranno the family, people, work, business, environment. On the contrary, speculation and pollution discounted penalty ":

The government, with Tremonti, has already brought home an important reform. The Finance Bill, the scene of raids and attacks to the diligence of public funds, is gone, replaced by the Budget Act and challenging three-year operations for the accounts of the state. Pèarticolari situations where action was needed to - in 2009 was done several times - we act with targeted measures.

The final financial approval on December 22 in the Senate is divided on support for employment, the pact with the regions in health, cuts in the seats in local bodies, on the banks of the South, on school funding, research and law enforcement. These are all areas strategic. The rain of billions easy for the customers back is gone.

This leads Italy in the group of virtuous countries of the European Union. Our debt remains high (in 2010 the 116 per cent of GDP, the result of past policy of spendthrift), but the country has been incorporated since the last report in 2009 the European Central Bank among those at medium risk: together with Belgium, Germany , France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Countries, incidentally, that all have a rating of triple A (Italy has an A + report card, also inherited from the past). The only country risk is low Finland. While appearing were economic and social models - such as Spain, Ireland, Greece, Portugal and even Britain - are now considered at high risk.

Remember Berlusconi's call to trust, not fear to invest in the securities of our large companies, Eni Enel? Well, business confidence has increased by twenty points at the end of 2009, the consumer, re-washed by ISAE, is also growing. The vast majority of households in 2010 believes that their situation will be stable or improved, a reversal of a years ago. And who has listened to Prime Minister on investment, can claim to have done a good deal: these titles are from the low double-digit growth in 2009, the coupons that are distributed among the richest of the list.

And to think that then there were those who called Berlusconi a "magician", a kind of optimism salesman!

not all. The Centro Studi Confindustria estimated that GDP will grow by at least 1 in 2010, 1 percent (a figure which compares with declines of 4.7 in 2009), and in 2011, 1, 3. Families will resume consuming: 0.8 more in 2010, more than 1.3 in 2011. The investment will increase respectively by 1, 4 and 2.7 per cent. And made in Italy to pull resumes: more than 4 percent of exports in 2010 and 4.2 more in 2011, compared to the decrease of 19 percent in 2009, preceded by a similar decrease of 3.7 in 2008.

This overall means one thing: the economy is already reversed course, the measures adopted last year by the government have worked and put Italy away from worse problems. The loss of jobs is painful, but well below what we have seen abroad. Anyway, the unemployed, workers in cash integration and for the first time the precarious could go forward with public subsidies, including such extraordinary decision by the government.

All this happened without tapping a single euro to households and businesses. This year the tax burden will decline, and even more significantly when they come to the regime of fiscal federalism and tax reform.

And speaking of taxes, the government has shown that a serious fight against tax evasion do not harass workers and private citizens, but by the funds come from abroad - the shield has already yielded 95 billion which will strengthen our economy, and some other ten will be added with two extensions - and flush out smart. Eight billion recovered in this way (in addition to the tax shield) is a record that the left can only envy. With all due respect to many common places.

If 2010 was the year of hope and nerves, the 2010 is the year of recovery, confidence and work. Pull the economy will, as always, the fabric of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, and the revival of the great works. This is a merit of the government, and a true act of courage was having believed even at the worst time.

As an act of faith - but be careful, reasoned - is believed to have Berlusconi in Italy by the system: individuals, families, small businesses, unions, Confindustria, large groups such as the ' Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica , Fiat.

add a small but significant fact: the 2009 has seen a 60 percent decrease in the duration of the strike. And this in a year of crisis, which could expose us to serious tensions.

The country, once again, believe it. Behold, this and social cohesion.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

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the first problem for the junta in Agrate Colombo: the leader (?)

Given the partial information given by "Il Giornale di Vimercate" for clarity publish full history to the detriment of ambush journalism adviser Lefty:

Original Message ----> From: mancino.rosario
@> Date: 05/01/2010 10:21
> A:
> Ogg: Agrate for the most serious problem: the leader?

Dear Mr. Giornale di Vimercate buying the Mayor noted that this week the gap was abundant, and then they contacted for comment on news (?) published last week.

For the record, Le illustrate how did the ambush journalism for which they are victims, so that you can decide what to do with knowledge of the facts:

The Everything was born December 24, 2009 following a call from a journalist who replaced the GT journalist B. on page Agrate Brianza:

are consulted on a debate on Agrateforum March 2009 ( ) that not even remember where I wrote: Registration for the group you're referring to is the result of only a historical account, not politics. Men who have made Italy great in the end there is neither then many, the unit in for me then ... are, in addition to Mussolini, for example, Cavour, Garibaldi, De Gasperi, Craxi and Berlusconi.

Hence the full pages. After publication I wrote to the director and I received an apology from the journalist (attached below).

If you want me to clarify this in the city council I should be very grateful. Sincerely

Rosario Mancino

Letter to Newspaper Vimercate:
> Subject: AC to the editor of Il Giornale di Vimercate
> Date: 29/12/2009 21:06

Nostalgic yes, but the journalism of the past

Dear Director I am writing on article entitled "Nostalgic Duce's on Facebook, director of the PDL on the storm," published in his newspaper on the front page Dec. 29, 2009 and again on page 23 under the title "Il Duce made Italy great "To express my surprise on the importance given by his newspaper to a story that I think everything except a" news ".

know and I respect the journalist who wrote the article and who has faithfully reported the discussion (interview) had with me on the phone on Christmas Eve.

For the record, I inform you that, contrary to what he should do before publishing your newspaper article, I checked out after its publication on facebook if the group to which the result was recorded in June and the object of your front page had contained less than edifying.

know what I discovered? Not only that the group is no longer among the 342 groups to which it is written now, but that the same group on Facebook did not even exist anymore! Would not be worth a check on your part?

For heaven's sake ... I did the same for several local newspapers for many years and know from experience that finding interesting news on the eve of Christmas, in addition to having to replace a colleague vacation, is not easy, but it is certain that what is published on page 23 of his paper was strictly a "news"?

I idea of \u200b\u200b"news" to his newspaper I had also given as 23 December, the provincial council unanimously on the initiative of the Council Arrigoni, has provided funding for the year 2010 is the new bus service between the hospital Agrate Vimercate to enable older people to get to the hospital without car. I would have liked it to the people agratesi could have known this "news", instead of being privy to the existence of virtual teams in the past ...


Provincial Councillor
Rosario Mancino

> Subject: your letter to the editor
> From: xxxxx journalist GdiV
> A:
> Date: 31/12 / 2009 18:46

Hello Rosario, two things purely on a personal basis: I read your letter to the editor and I wanted to thank you for your calm and comprehensive style. Another in your place would have bought a voodoo doll. I wanted to apologize because I told you I'd called for better definition of all, why does not my wanted to be an ambush journalism, but an interview a little bit more rational, both for our regular contact, both in taste and information. Monday though, I did work at a pace of assembly line and I did not have the slightest chance. I had to let go of the page so with a little 'weight on the stomach. I assure you I'm sorry. On verification of the Facebook group you are right. I'll call you ...

Letter signed

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Brazilian Beach Volleyball Song

unfortunately my head is elsewhere, I do not want to play, I hate to play the session, everything seemed endless, the bangs make me more angry than before, between company + ebay time to dedicate to study does not exist, and in a little while I started well over portoghese.Non even know why I'm playing, I probably should not do it, but if I move to Brazil or something will have jappone fare.Vabbe today after the evening yesterday I was at lampara too drunk to play, vabbe close it here and try to resume gioco.Per good luck in this dark moment of my life, a dear friend around me, I'll never stop thanking ciccio friend who always shows as a brother me.

kirara where are you??

Saturday, January 2, 2010

18th Birthday Party Invitation Wording

slowly recovers

today I resumed playing, week of double points, all reg at the tables, but the problem was not them I was ... my game is no longer what it once was, I still can not find the right concentrazione.Oggi I will have made a 70 to sit by mixing the 14-16x 7-14 game ended in a tie overall, I had to play more but since I have not yet mounted to the post my friend's house I'm fine with that alone annoys me to play and I can not play tomorrow tantissimo.Spero mediaworld or Trony are open so I take monitor maledetto.Il main problem perhaps is because the first game because I enjoyed it now I do not enjoy PIU.Non ask you to win much this year I would win only 35-40k just the money that I needed to buy a house in Brazil, but even if you win a little bit less the same would be fine:).