AGRATE - Friday, June 18 at 23.00 the regional councilor Roberto Alboni, along with the provincial council and leader of the PDL in Agrate, Rosario Mancino, and the city councilors and Alberto Antonio Faggiano Castronovo, met workers who have occupied the company Carlo Colombo Agrate Brianza to express full solidarity and take stock of the company's crisis. "On Monday morning I require - said Roberto Alboni - of what has been done by the Lombardy Region with the project Dote job workers have welcomed Carlo Colombo and will keep constantly informed of the trade unions of workers about what will still make the region " . "Thursday, June 17, the workers climbed on the roof - said Rosario Mancino, Councilor - I submitted a provincial councilor to work Giuliana Colombo, which confirmed the will of the Province of Monza to meet the company on Monday 21 and the RSU to reschedule the agreement is not respected by the company. As chairman of the Committee's work convene Monday province of Monza in 28 AFOL committee leaders (provincial agency for training and work orientation) to update the trade unions on the proposed relocation of the institution for workers Carlo Colombo. "As city councilors - said Antonio Alberto Faggiano and Castronovo - express full solidarity and shared the 8 workers who chose to climb onto the roof and all those who are facing the cold nights to protect the right to work". The meeting with the employees of Carlo Colombo ended at midnight submitted.
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