Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kidney And Heart Palpitations


On 17 February, the Local Health Unit of San Giorgio di Piano told me that as a result of my report (mouse traps in the lunchroom) had made a visit to the school and indicated to me had compiled a report promptly sent to the Mayor of Minehead.
I therefore asked the City Council, by mail, you can review the report to read what was stated by the 'Local Health Unit.
Incredibly, the City responded in kind:

I am the father of the child who has touched (along with other kids) the mousetrap and the bag of poison Brocum.
I am the parent who wrote to the dean Cerè for clarification, which I sent to the City (business Tech) to get the answers I was looking for, winding up far enough and basically saying, reading between the lines, "ARRANGED !
I am the parent who made the report all'AUSL, to ensure that this serious incident is not repeated again, and to protect the health of other children.

Now I should make a request documents and pay an amount that will be quantified upon investigation of the case?!

But excuse the Mayor should not be the highest health authority of a municipality?
As such, it should protect the health of all its citizens?
would not be a duty of the Mayor, send 's report AUSL, considering that the report I made it myself and therefore I am "the victim"?
It is not clear why this position.
Maybe being a politically active citizen, and uncomfortable, led him to behave in this way, setbacks my search for clarity??
Mayor AUSL the report has it on the desk!
scanning and sending me!
He needs my money to make ends meet?
And to think that a few months ago, was to send me to mail you an official (the province) on the island median in front of the school.
What has changed since then?
The antipathy towards me has increased so much?
And its independent auditor to all citizens, you have always and consistently praised and pontificate, where is?

The report AUSL guess is a few pages, as you may be able to quantify the amount that you need to take it from the desk of Mayor and photocopy or scan it for potermela delivered in person or send it by mail?
If you lack the time or money I come to photocopy! FREE!

How is it possible that there is a table showing the public how these costs to the citizens?
How is it that demand for such acts must be a payment?
taxes we pay are not enough anymore?
Those of you who are elected by the people, lucubrate has a rule like that!
You have committed yourselves!
Congratulations! How many requests
acts, private citizens, will never receive in a year, to justify a tax, not well quantified, like that?

This is completely absurd and incomprehensible as well as anti-democratic, but now I got used to this way you do.

I will definitely request ACTS and will pay you the amount you ask, I will simultaneously request all'AUSL of San Giorgio.
shall compare the times, costs (if any) and service quality.

Christian B.

To read all articles documenting the story CLICK HERE.

This post was also sent by mail to the Mayor and all 'URP.


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